Our Story
For all whom have been curious about our Story…
Petrus and Ellen Stapelberg had a dream to serve the South African community with our skills and at the same time create a business that would make us independent. With our skills in IT and Education we believed we could make an online business successful! We also wanted to build a legacy for our son—a foundation on which he could learn, grow, and eventually expand.
Stafross was born when we discovered remarkable canvas products from a manufacturer that remains a cherished partner. Their unique hunting and camping products lay the foundation for our online shop. They had an exceptional selection of products, many of them unique and special that continue to captivate our customers.
They were the first of a lot of new authentic South African manufacturers being added to our online store. When we choose partners to work with, we are picky – in a good way! We only choose the best to ensure you’re getting quality products that don’t just look good, but tell a story too. And trust us, there are some amazing stories to be told about South African people and their incredible talents.
We started small with a very basic website and soon outgrew the ecommerce platforms we were using. To this day we are working hard at staying up to date, helping incredible people to showcase their products and making these products available to you!
Dive into Stafross and discover a world of amazing products and even cooler stories.

Our team

Petrus is the IT wizz of our team. He is the brilliant mind behind the mechanics of the website and systems and processes that make our admin easier. He is also an excellent marketing manager who continues to find new and exciting products. Customer relations and sales are some of his passions.

Ellen is the researcher, marketer and writer of all that needs writing. Research is one of her passions that keeps Stafross up to date. Advertising is also close to her heart. She adds new products to our website, keeps up with orders and sending of packages. She keeps everything together and even makes sure everyone’s belly is full.

Stefan is the master of sales. While learning from Petrus, he became not only proficient but excelled at seeing customers’ needs and always has them leave happy. He oversees stock acquisition and control and works on products and product images on the website. His passion is building an online community.