Knittex SpectraNet Shade Netting

R2,000.00R6,000.00 inc. VAT

Knittex Spectranet Shade Netting is the highest quality shade netting available is SA today. Watch some videos here: Knittex Spectranet Shade Netting

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Knittex SpectraNet Shade Netting is the highest quality shade netting available in SA today; well known for providing plant and crop protection against harsh weather conditions and damage caused by hail, wind, insects, birds, drought & sunburn. The 3m wide shade netting comes in 50-meter rolls and is the ultimate shade net for climate control and light wave manipulation in the agricultural and horticultural industries. The knitted shade net fabric, manufactured from High-Density Polyethylene, high-quality colour concentrates and UV stabilisers.

See some videos on the testing of Knittex SpectraNet Shade Netting

Climate control and light wave manipulation in agricultural and horticultural industries

The brand name SpectraNet aptly describes the product’s ability to manipulate and alter the quantity, quality and relationship of blue, green, red and far-red wavelength energies absorbed by plants.

Four fundamental factors that impact on the physiology of plants are:

  • Photosynthesis
  • Photomorphogenesis
  • Transpiration
  • Respiration

SpectraNet plays a major role in all these areas, by manipulating and altering the quantity and quality of photosynthetic active radiation energy absorbed by plants. Photosynthesis is driven by temperature, light intensity, light quality, light duration, carbon dioxide quantity, water quality and nutrients to produce energy (sugars) for plant growth and food production. Photomorphogenesis on the other hand is light-mediated changes in plant growth and development.

The plant’s size, shape and appearance are influenced by the relationship of blue, green, red and far-red wavelengths absorbed by the plant. SpectraNet’s light transmittance factors vary from 4% to 96% dependent upon the colour and pattern of the netting.

SpectraNet Protects Crops

Well-constructed shade houses and structures using SpectraNet shade netting enables the grower to create an ideal protected microclimate and produce high-quality seedlings, fruit, vegetables, pot plants and cut flowers.

SpectraNet will provide protection against excessive photosynthetic radiation, heat, strong winds and UV burn. It creates an environment for optimal growth and yield. It also ensures good air circulation, with excellent moisture exchange resulting in large savings in water.

Features of SpectraNet

  • SATAS Certification mark for product quality management
  • 10-year manufacturer’s warranty against UV degradation.
A knitted lock-stitch pattern
  • consistent and stable
  • prevents laddering and unravelling
  • is flexible and easy to work with
  • easy repairs
  • breathable
Protects plants and crops against
  • sunburn
  • hail damage
  • wind damage
  • birds and insects
Creates a better environment for plants
  • reducing temperatures
  • maintaining humidity
  • reducing evaporation
  • reducing stress
  • enhancing photosynthesis
  • improved light dispersion
Durable and tough
  • does not rot
  • does not absorb water
  • is not considered a fire hazard
  • is ozone friendly.


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Code 20, Code 30, Code 40, Code 50, Code 60, Code 70, Code 80


Green, Black, White, Grey (Black &White), Blue, Pool Blue


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